It’s extremely important to understand the impact of withdrawals on a living benefit attached to an annuity contract. The most widely used living benefit today is the lifetime guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefit (Lifetime GMWB). These usually allow you to make withdrawals from your account up to an annual limit (usually 4–6% of your investment). If you withdraw more than that percentage, future payments may be reduced. Sometimes, an excess withdrawal triggers a reset of the base on which your guaranteed amount is calculated. These withdrawals can also negatively impact the account value and death benefit.
Example: You purchase an annuity for $100,000 that allows you a guaranteed 5% annual withdrawal until you start receiving your monthly payments for life. You may withdraw $5,000 every year. If you take out more than $5,000, your annual guaranteed withdrawal amount may decrease, and you won’t be able to take out as much the following year. An excess withdrawal of, say, $5,500 will trigger a reset of your benefit base to equal your current account value. If the current value of your investment sub-accounts is, say, $80,000, you now get 5% of $80,000: only $4,000. The examples presented herein are for informational purposes only. They are not representative of any specific annuity and do not constitute investment advice. Annuities are suitable for long-term investing, particularly retirement savings. Withdrawal of earnings will be subject to ordinary income tax and, if taken prior to age 59½, may be subject to a 10% federal tax penalty. Additional fees apply for living-benefit options. Investment restrictions may also apply for all living-benefit options. Violating the terms and conditions of the annuity contract may void guarantees. Read your prospectus carefully for all the fees and expenses that may apply to your variable annuity contract. It is also recommended that you consult with a financial advisor and tax advisor before purchasing an annuity.
©2013 Morningstar, Inc.